healthy dessert

Peach and mango sorbet pops


  • 500ml peach juice without added sugar (it is naturally very sweet)

  • 1 ripe mango, peeled and roughly chopped (frozen is also fine, most supermarkets have it)

  • Optionally, juice of 1/2 lime - it will help to balance the flavour


  1. Process the juice and mango using a high speed blender.

  2. Place in ice cream moulds (i.e. Ikea or Amazon) and freeze for 3 hours before serving.

Peanut butter treats and snacks

After dinner:

If you´ve just had a meal and feel like something sweet, wait for 15 minutes and see how you feel then. By this time, glucose from food should reach your cells and the craving often goes away. If still craving a dessert (perhaps because of insulin resistance), try the options below. The fat in peanut butter will make you want less sugar. Do not have these as a replacement for a snack or meal. This can be used as dessert replacement only.

  • Max. 2 dates stuffed with a flat tea spoon of peanut butter, can be topped with an additional nut. Alternatively, you can stuff the date with ghee and top with a nut.

  • Max. 2 pieces of dark chocolate (min. 70% cocoa) topped with a flat tea spoon of peanut butter.

Between meals:

The options below make wonderful snacks if you get peckish between meals. It´s better to eat rather than letting glucose drop too low as this stimulates inflammation.

  • Apple quarters with 1/2 tea spoon of peanut butter on each.

  • Celery stick cut into three and filled with peanut butter. You can also top it up with hard cheese like cheddar.

Avocado mousse


  • 2 ripe avocados, the hass variety

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 5 table spoons of cacao or cocoa

  • 6-8 table spoons of maple syrup

  • 1/8 tea spoon of unrefined salt

  • optional toppings: pomegranate seeds, fresh berries, cacao nibs, toasted nuts, salted peanut butter cream (2 table spoons of peanut butter, 4 table spoons of freshly boiled water, pinch of salt - blend until smooth. Keeps well in the fridge)


Place all ingredients in a food processor or high speed blender and blend until smooth.
Makes 4 small portions but you can make it visually bigger by adding toppings. I don’t recommend more because after all, it’s fat mixed with sugar. 1/2 avocado per serving is sufficient.