Almond bread



  • 250 g of ground almonds

  • 50 g of odourless coconut oil / ghee / butter / lard / goose fat / duck fat (you can also mix different fats and see what flavour you like the most)

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/4 flat tea spoon of salt

  • Optionally: 75 g of assorted seeds (my favourite mix is pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and poppy seeds)

  • Optionally: 1 flat table spoon of maple syrup or honey (I like sweetening mine a bit as it results in a more balanced flavour)


  1. Mix all ingredients well, it should have a thick, porridge-like consistency. You may add more or less almonds.

  2. Place in a greased tin and bake in 150 Celcius degrees for about 1 hour (you want to keep the temperature relatively low, not to damage the precious fats).

  • This bread doesn’t raise much and is rather dense; best to make it in a smaller tin. Otherwise, it can be flat

  • A little goes a long way which compensates for the price of almonds - no need to cut it thick as it’s very filling

  • Keeps very well in the fridge. I always toast it

Note: If seeds make you gassy, give you cramps or you have colon inflammation, mill the seeds or leave them out until the digestive tract gets better. The same goes to sweeteners - some people get digestive symptoms from honey or maple syrup so it is best to substitute with a sweetener that you can tolerate or not use any until digestion improves.