How to feel warm when you´re cold all the time

Feeling cold all the time is painful for the body and soul. In fact, it is a major stressor, to which the adrenal glands respond no different than to any other source of chronic stress. People may think you´re going crazy but it can lead to mental disturbances. If you´re cold all the time, it is important to look into the cause and act appropriately. Some are lifestyle related while other, like all types of anaemia, underactive thyroid or adrenal stress, require a whole-person approach. In this post, I will share some general tips on how to warm up.

1. Preserve the heat in the first place: for example, get dressed as soon as you get out of bed. Put your socks and slippers on and wrap up in a dressing gown or a warm cardigan. Do the same when you get out of the shower, although it is best for ‘cold’ people to shower before bedtime.

2. During the cooler months, do not get outside with wet hair. Preferably, wash it when you know you’re not going out again that day. If oily hair is a problem, try quality dry shampoos.

3. Dress appropriately: many people miss this vital aspect. It is good to wrap up like an onion so that you can easily remove layers when you do get too hot. The first layer should be close to the body and tucked in. The middle layer can be looser looser but warm enough; long sleeve is a must. The top layer should protect you from the wind and cold like a shield.

4. Cover the strategic body parts which, when uncovered, can make you feel cold overall:

  • upper back and back of the neck: in Chinese medicine, this area is called the ´wind gate´ - a place that is easily penetrated by weather changes, especially moving air. This ‚wind’ invites all sorts of aches and pains. Always carry a scarf or snood with you and wear it when you can feel a draft. This is especially important for office workers who often sit directly under the aircon. Now during the Covid-19 pandemic, places have to be ventilated regularly. Unfortunately, it results in a constant exposure to drafts, which can make people more susceptible to getting sick. In acupuncture, stabbing upper back or shoulder pain is related to the so called ´wind invasion´ - something that golfers often suffer from. It is believed that it is not the swing itself but rather the weather´s effect on uncovered neck that can cause pain

  • the waist / kidney area: the inner layer should always be tucked in; wearing short tops when it´s cold is a big no. If you have a daughter that likes to show her belly, try and make sure she doesn’t do it in the cooler months. This is especially important for girls and women who suffer from urinary tract infections and hormonal issues

  • ankles: ditch ballerina pumps, short socks and cropped pants

  • wrists: wear long sleeves and not the 3/4 length; fingerless mittens can be very useful, too

5. Move: especially when it´s cold. Never sit or stand when you can feel a draft. Needless to say, regular exercise of any kind can make a tremendous difference to circulation, especially when deep breathing is involved. 5 sun salutations first thing in the morning can make a big difference to your day! Rebounding or rope skipping are also fantastic.

6. Eat sufficient: if you skip meals (especially breakfast), it can cool you down for two reasons:

  • lack of food means no fuel to produce heat

  • lack of food can stimulate the release of adrenaline which can make your hands and feet ice cold. This is very important for those who start the day with coffee instead of food - you get a double shot of adrenaline! It is also common in those who rely on carbohydrates and sugar, or those with poor blood glucose control. A common scenario is cold hands and feet but sweaty armpits and / or heat around the chest, and enlarged pupils. It´s an adrenal sign.

7. Eat and drink according to the weather: it is best to leave salads, smoothies and cold drinks for the warmer months. Some people thrive on cooked foods all year round and there is nothing wrong about that. It is interesting that the Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine don´t stress raw foods at all. In fact, too much raw matter can weaken digestion, and weak digestion weakens the quality of blood. Porridges, soups, stews, casseroles, curries, stir fries, root vegetables, stewed fruit and warming beverages like my masala chai or a simple ginger and lemon tea are the best foods for cold people.

8. Maintain optimal level of vitamin D: people who are cold all the time are often low in the sunshine vitamin. My favourite sources include cod liver oil, liver, egg yolks, pastured lard, oily fish, shellfish and fish eggs. Saying that, some people who have a diet rich in vitamin D may still have insufficient levels due to poor absorption in the gut. Optimal vit D level for general public is 45 ng/mL, especially that is not easy to raise vitamin D much higher naturally. People with chronic health issues may want to go higher and use supplemental aids.

9. Maintain optimal levels of iron, vitamin B12, folate and vitamin C: all of which are essential to build blood. My favourite sources include:

  • B12: meat, liver, oysters, clams, pastured dairy, also produced by healthy gut microbes; most common deficiencies are seen in vegetarians, vegans, those with suboptimal gut function and individuals with pernicious anaemia

  • folate: liver, dark green vegetables and legumes, also produced by healthy gut microbes

  • vitamin C: sauerkraut, kimchi, cabbage, citrus fruit, berries, fresh vegetables and fruit in general

10. Maintain optimal temperature at home: which is around 20-22 Celcius degrees during the day and max. 19 at night. Even if you´re tempted, try and not make the house a furnace because it will weaken your own ability to warm up. However, it is important that there is no dampness as it can amplify feeling cold so invest in a dehumidifier if you feel that air quality is suboptimal.

11. Finish with a cold shower: it will make your blood moving, which will generate heat. You can dry brush your skin prior to the shower, too. If you´re brave enough, take a cold shower altogether or start ice baths if it suits your constitution. Warm showers and baths are best left for the evening time because they bring body temperature down, which is desired for quality sleep.

12. Lower your keyboard: if you work on the computer a lot and your hands are getting cold, try and lower your keyboard. It may mean getting a docking station and a few extra props but it can make a big difference.